A few months ago, a very dear friend sent me an email with the quote, “God needs brave sons.” She is serving a mission in Australia with her husband and thought this would make a great printable.
I couldn’t agree more-this is such a great quote! But once I read the story behind the quote, it became even more meaningful.
In September 2015, President Henry B. Eyring gave the First Presidency message titled, “Families and Prayer,” and talked about his dad’s struggle with cancer.
When the pain became intense, we found him in the morning on his knees by the bed. He had been too weak to get back into bed. He told us he had been praying to ask his Heavenly Father why he had to suffer so much when he had always tried to be good. He said a kindly answer came: “God needs brave sons.”
Sister Carol F. McConkie also shared President Eyring’s story in the October 2016 LDS General Conference.
And it’s true, right?
Those super hard trials make us braver and better. Sometimes we just need a reminder that God loves us and the trial is not a punishment, but is making us into someone ready to return to our heavenly home.
And God needs all of us to be brave. Maybe I should make a printable that says, “God needs brave daughters.” What do you think?
I wasn’t exactly sure who to give credit for the quote. President Henry B. Eyring told the story, but since his dad’s name is also Henry Eyring, I figured I couldn’t go wrong with just giving credit to Henry Eyring. I hope that’s giving credit to both.
And I had to work really hard to make sure this printable wasn’t “girly” in any way. You can imagine how I struggled with that, knowing my love of floral watercolor and the fact that I have three girls. While I was mulling over the design, I had to constantly remind myself to remember my audience. When I finished the typography, I got a thumbs up from my hubby and nephew so I hope I am on the right track.
My hope is that this printable would work as decor in boy’s room, and be just at home framed in the office of a 40-year-old.
There are so many fun ways to use this printable.
It would make such a nice Father’s Day gift. It would make a great handout for a church or family home evening lesson. Or are you looking for something for Priesthood Preview? This would work great!
I hope you can use this printable at home, church, or anywhere else people may need a reminder that they are brave, and God needs them.
There are three printables, and each comes in size 8×10 and 4×6. I also included a pdf file of the 4×6 printables.
Please leave a comment and let me know what you think and how you are going to use this printable! I love to hear from you. ♥
Click HERE to download these 8×10 printables in a zip file.
Click HERE to download these 4×6 printables in a zip file.
Click HERE to download these 4×6 printables in a pdf file.
Check out these other free printables and good ideas from Teepee Girl:
The post God Needs Brave Sons Free Printables appeared first on Teepee Girl.