The 2018 Primary Theme is “I am a child of God.” I can’t tell you how excited I am about this theme!
I hope you can use these free printables as handouts, gifts, and room decor this year!
This is such an important doctrine to know and understand. Once we really understand that we are children of God, everything changes.
When we understand that our Heavenly Father knows and loves us, we know where to turn when life gets unbearable. The commandments become a blessing rather than a burden. Our confidence increases. We realize that there’s so much more to us than the clothes we wear, our body size, and how we look. Because we know that we are children of God, we recognize that others are also children of God. We are filled with more compassion and kindness as we see them struggling. We want to help because we feel God’s love for us and it increases our capacity to love others. Once we truly comprehend that we are children of God, we are changed.
So how awesome is it that our kids get to study and learn about this doctrine all year long in 2018?!!
Now that you know how much I love this topic, let’s talk about these printables.
Free Primary 2018 I Am A Child of God Printables
I really wanted these printables to be inspiring and relatable for kids. So I used crayon and marker textures and fonts. The happy kids from all different backgrounds are really the highlight of the printable, and just looking at those happy kids makes me happy.
You can download this printable in sizes 8×10 and 4×6. The 8×10 and 4×6 printables are slightly different. The 8×10 printable says “Primary 2018” at the bottom. I thought it would be nice to a small printable that you could give your kids year round, year after year.
Free binder covers and spines are coming soon! Plus, I am working on a huge kit, that will include more sizes of this printables, primary gift ideas, monthly theme posters, bulletin board ideas, and so much more! I am hoping to have the kit up within a few weeks.
I hope you enjoy these free printables! Don’t forget to pin this post so you can find it again throughout the year. ♥
Click HERE to download this printable in size 8×10 (jpg).
Click HERE to download this printable in size 4×6 (jpg).
Click HERE to download this printable in size 4×6 (pdf).
And check out these other free printables from Teepee Girl:
God Needs Brave Sons Free Printable
Free Seminary Book of Mormon Seminary Binder Covers
Free LDS Sewing (Lacing Cards)
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